I want my MTV1.5Music TelevisionGIF-MTV.3.5*

Bring the 21st century music television onto your smartphone.2 television.2 tablet.2 smartphone, television or tablet.3

Play an endless music-video based on hundreds of curated super nice GIF animations.

House parties

Deejay Livestreams



History of the project

I created the first version of this project back in the early-90s. In a BBS-Mailbox newsgroup i stumbled upon one of the most discussed subjects in mathmatics: how random is random?

My idea was to make my computer "decide" (randomly select) an image every 10 seconds to see if it fits to some music played in the background, to find out if the computer somehow "feels" the beat and adapts the loaded image to the music. Exchanging thos fixed images with GIF animations was a problem back then, as my computer was not fast enough and made the whole loading a mess.
Like every 10 years i re-animated the project and since the 90s it moved from a Macromind Flash program for Windows, to an Android smartphone application and finally in 2024 to a simple website. This is solely possible due to the existence of a fast internet connection and mid to high-speed computers that these days are very affordable.

What brings us back to the main question that i have not answered yet: How random is random? There are math alike philosophical answers to this and everyone must decide for him/herself about what path to elect. Personally my point of view is that with every second more that you listen to pumping beats while watching the animations, you feel more connected to the machine. It's like if the computer is making it's decisions by what we have in mind and feel about what we see in combination with what we hear.

-- Carlos "Qroft" Pinto --

Curated GIFs in 14 categories
optional free GIF downloads

Personal use

Use this project as your personal EDM music music videoplayer or to throw some awesome GIF animations as visual background for your next house party!

For DeeJays

While you are livestreaming on TikTok or YouTube, use the GIF animations as eye-catcher to make people pause at your stream before swiping up and away.

For Clubs & bars

Use the app as visuals to accompany the DJ live set. Or shorten the waiting time for those in queue at the entrance by offering some GIF animations to talk about.


